Facebook has overtaken Google and most visited website of the U.S.

In the U.S., Facebook recently had to replace the first time in its history over a period of one week, as Google’s most visited site of the entire Internet, such as Experian, Hitwise reported. So far, this was achieved only at a few days, Facebook.

Thus Facebook was impressively underscore its market position. Facebook is the most visited website in the U.S.. This title was also previously the social network wear a few times, but then only for a short period of one or two days. This was so for example during the Christmas holidays and New Year’s the case. Certainly not surprising that precisely those days turned out heavily for Facebook.

Up here could play a certain holiday stocking and benefited from the fact that the Facebook users send each other holiday greetings. For the first time now Facebook has a whole week lying ahead of Google. Compared to the same period last year, that could improve the market share of Facebook to about 185 percent.Google’s market share rose during the same time frame also, but only by about 9 percent. Together showed Google and Facebook so that in a week a visitor’s share of 14 percent.

That means 14 percent of all page views in the United States led to either Google or Facebook. Meanwhile, Facebook is the world record over 400 million members.No wonder then that Google also wants a piece of cake from the social. So far, Google’s experiments were in this area, however, little successful. So Google launched Buzz accompanied only by rough and privacy concerns. But Facebook is evolving constantly: How will it in future also give location-based services. One area in particular by Google was previously active.


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